Welcome to Lawnfield Maidenhead
A planning application has been submitted to demolish historic Victorian villa Lawnfield House on Westmorland Road SL6 4HB
The proposal is to build a giant 4-storey 70-bedroom care home
Opposing the plans
We are a group of concerned neighbours seeking to oppose the demolition of Lawnfield and its proposed replacement with a giant 70-bed care home totally out of keeping with the residential area in which Lawnfield is located.
We accept that some development on the site is likely but the plans do not need to include complete demolition of historic buildings, or the construction of a huge building disproportionate to anything in the vicinity.
About the plans
Here are details of the plans, including a link to the formal planning application documents
Contact your Councillors
Here's how to email your concerns to your local Maidenhead ward councillors
Email a Planning Objection
Formal letters of objection are critical to opposing the site. Here's how to send one.
Email Theresa May MP
Contact the Rt Hon Theresa May MP to encourage her to assist
Who are we?
We are a group of members of the local community who have come together to oppose the plans
About Lawnfield
Here is historic information about the Lawnfield property